January 2016 Was the Most Abnormally Warm Month Ever Recorded, NASA Says

Hottest January On Record Meteorologist Danielle Banks discusses how a NASA study revealed that January 2016 is the hottest January on record. January 2016 was not only Earth’s warmest January on record, but also featured the largest warm departure from average for any month, according to two separate analyses released this week. The first month …

Climate Change and Green House gases

Change in steady state temperature of earth by the presence of atmosphere containing greenhouse gases (CO2, Methane, Nitrous oxide, Ozone, halocarbons (CFC + Hydro CFC), Water vapours/ clouds) that absorb radiation. Any systematic change in the long-term statistics of climate elements sustained over several decades or longer (The American Meteorological Society) Thus when climate for …

To develop understanding about crop production under changing climate

Climate and agriculture; Climate variability and change, past, present and future scenario; Impact of climate change in temperate, humid, sub-humid, semi-arid and arid regions; Impact of climate change on vegetation (C3 & C4), crops, pests, livestock and natural resources; Strategies for managing climate change vulnerability (Adaptation & Mitigation)

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