Food Security; How Global warming, water and other crisis affect Food Security Main Document Food security is defined as the availability of food and one’s access to it. A household is considered food secure when its occupants do not live in hunger or fear of starvation. Stages of food insecurity range from food secure situations …

Modern Agri-Technology in Farming

Innovation is more important in modern agriculture than ever before. The industry as a whole is facing huge challenges, from rising costs of supplies, a shortage of labor, and changes in consumer preferences for transparency and sustainability.

Amazan fires: What’s Agriculture Got to Do with It?

The climate change situation has turned the collective environmentalist stare toward the Amazon forest, where thousands of fires continue to burn the forest, blackening the skies.

Top 5 Agribusiness Companies

Cargill, USA Revenue: 114.7$US billion Number of Employees: 166,000 Cargill is one of the best agribusiness company in the world. Its is an agricultural and food production giant, responsible for approximately 1/4 of American meat and grain exports. As well as their involvement in every step of the agricultural supply chain, Cargill agribusiness company is an industry leader in animal nutrition …


Produce and consumer is brought together by Food Marketing. As the marketing of a single food product can be a convoluted process involving many producers and companies. i.e, Pakistan has seen an extremely pleasing growth in the frozen foods market by ice-cream segment development. The frozen food ice cream segment’s market size enormously expanded as …


Different food products available in markets cames as a result of a careful process of designing and developing products with the goals to fulfill the demand of consumer’s needs. This process of product developments which is one of the important jobs that food scientist do. Steps involved in food product development are: Ideation Prototype creation …

Importance of Livestocks; Agriculture

The critical need for increased funding for agricultural research because of the challenges associated with feeding the world’s rapidly expanding population and correctly identified food security as the main global challenge of the 21st century. As The challenge of feeding a population of >9 billion is daunting, and because arable land and clean water resources …

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